Adit turned 1 yesterday. We had celebrations at home with just four of us and V’s brother who is visiting us. We made a cake and some cupcakes that Ashwini decorated very well. Adit was very happy to wear new clothes and play with his new toys and balloons. We have had a very eventful year and are glad that it is behind us.

Adit is doing all the age-appropriate things. He has 3 teeth and a few more showing signs of coming out soon. He is continuing to enjoy his favorite activity: chewing on things.

Note: All these photo were taken before the attack of Parag, the barber which happened a day before Adit’s birthday.

He is eating a whole lot of new things and will start drinking regular milk very soon. His vocabulary is increasing, but it still doesn’t contain many words that you or I use. He is standing up and walking as seen in the video here.

[youtube Pump up the volume and you should hear Ashwini’s accented Marathi and Adit’s squeals of joy.