Today, Adit is 15 months old.

Here is his monthly progress report. Although I have missed several months in between, I still call this a monthly report. I wish I was as punctual about these reports as I was with Ashwini.

Adit is still very smiley and loves to flash his teeth to anyone who talks with him. He has learnt to blow kisses and his daycare teachers just love that.

Adit likes to walk and run. I think, he learned to walk and run earlier than Ashwini. Sometimes, he doesn’t want to be carried. Especially at his daycare, he wants to walk between the car and his classroom. If he is walking without holding my hand, it is almost random brownian motion. He gets easily distracted by various things that are along the way and chance of him getting to his destination (actually, my intended destination for him) is close to nil.

He is more independent than Ashwini. While playing in the yard, Ashwini always stays around her parent, but Adit just walks away without any care. We’ll definitely need to keep a closer eye on him. He has started climbing stairs, too. He climbs into chairs and beds, but doesn’t know how to come down. He justs lunges down head first. Again, we need to keep a closer eye on him, if we want to avoid big bumps on his noggin.

Adit usually has no problem with eating food. Sometimes, we and his teachers have to stop him from eating too much. Another total opposite from Ashwini. He eats a variety of foods that include Gerber foods (vegetables), pasta, khichdi, cheese, yogurt, all kinds of fruits and yes, ice cream, too. These days, he likes things that he can chew on such as cookies, crackers, apple slices etc. He now has 7 teeth (4 on top and 3 on the bottom) and they came in a strange order that I had not seen before with any other kid.

Lately, Adit has taken a liking for books following his sister’s footsteps. He doesn’t want to put them in his mouth as he used to, but likes to turn pages and look at pictures. He likes to watch TV with Ashwini, too. It is funny to see him wave at the characters on TV when they say “hi” or “bye”. I think he likes to watch Thomas, Dora/Diego and Blue. Well, that is what he gets to watch, because his sister always chooses the shows. Adit also likes it when music is playing in the car. If he is cranky for some reason (mostly for locking him up in the carseat), turning the music on, makes him happy.

Adit can make some animal sounds. Sheep and snake are the only ones that make different sounds, but all the others say “boo” with different amount of emphasis on the “b” or different lenghts of the “oo” sound. He is very vocal when he wants to complain about something. Also, he throws things around or hits us when he gets upset. We should teach him some anger management tricks.

Some things that Adit has learnt at his daycare that he would have missed otherwise:

  • Use of sign language to let us know if he wants more food or if he is all done.
  • He picks up his cup or plate after he is done and takes it to the kitchen.
  • When asked, he picks up books and toys to help clean-up.

Adit’s obsession with the trashcan still continues. These days, he doesn’t want to lick it anymore, but finds things to throw in it. We find all kinds of things such as pens, toys, milk bottles in the trashcan. If we can’t find something around the house, we just have to go to the trashcan to find it.

Adit is absolutely in love with Dora and his teacher, Megan. He doesn’t cry at drop-off time anymore. He just goes to Megan, gives her a hug and starts playing.

Ashwini’s 15 month report for comparison.