Here is a post of my favorite astrophotos of 2021. All of these did not make it as a post during the year, hoping to do better documenting in 2022.
Pleiades (M45); Mars visiting Pleiades in February 2021 Trying to capture colors of Sirius and Rigel by doing something that is opposite of astrophotography - defocusing and shaking the camera.
Startrails for about 80 minutes
The partial solar eclipse from June 2021. It was amazing to see eclipsed sun rising. Then clouds added nice drama to the eclipse. A pair of nice galaxies - Bode’s galaxy (M81) and Cigar galaxy (M82) from Ursa Major.
Eagle Nebula and its famous "pillars of creation"
Milky Way galaxy photos taken from dark skies in Maine.
Lagoon (M8) and Trifid (M20) nebulae
Veil nebula in Cygnus
Heart and Soul and fish head nebulae in Cassiopeia
California nebula (NGC 1499) and double cluster in Perseus
M13 - the great globular star cluster in Perseus
Two remnants of exploded stars: Dumbbell (M27) and Ring (M57) nebulae
Planetary alignment: Jupiter, Saturn and Venus with Moon
Comet Leonard
Elephant trunk nebula in Cepheus; Butterfly and Crescent nebulae in Cygnus
Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
Finally my favorite image of the year: North American and Pelican nebulae (NGC 7000) in Cygnus. Thank you all for your words of encouragement through the year. Looking forward to 2022.