They look so similar...

We were looking at Ashwini’s old photos and comparing them with Adit’s photos taken recently. They looked so similar. Behind the cut are three photos. Can you guess the subjects of these photos?

What are you talking about?

I took this photo along with others that I posted a couple of days ago. But the expressions on their faces deserve a separate post. Here is the fun part… Can you guess what they are talking about?

Here is my guess…

Ashwini: Have you seen their life insurance policies? We can live happily for a long time. Lots and lots of lollipops and chocolate balls. Adit: Hmmmm…. Let me think about it.

Happy 0.25th Birthday, Adit!

I am planning to write monthly reports for Adit, just like I did for Ashwini. Hope to keep it up till his 3rd birthday, too.

    Adit is...
  • eating well, pooping alright, gaining weight and keeping up with his peers.
  • sleeping through the night (10pm - 6am) for almost every night for the last two weeks.
  • usually happy. Doesn't cry unless he is hungry.
  • likes to be in the swing.
  • growing out of his bassinet. Must assemble his crib soon.
  • very smiley. Talk with him or just smile at him and he smiles back. If you keep talking with him, he even responds with sounds. Don't remember Ashwini being so responsive so early. Blowing air on his neck makes him giggle.
  • in awe of his sister. They seem to have a special connection. Adit follows Ashwini's movements all through the room. She runs around him and he moves his head and keeps looking at her. Whenever she talks with him, she gets bigger smiles/chuckles. Ashwini is mostly very gentle and careful around Adit. Probably kisses him a hundred times every day. Even shows him picture books. It is fun to watch them interact.

Good boy, Adit!!!

When it happened last week, we thought it was just a one time deal, but it happened again last night. Adit slept through the night. 1030pm to 630am. Yay! Hopefully, he’ll keep this going, at least every other day.

Adit at 2 months

Went for the 2 month doctor’s visit. Adit has done such a good job of eating well and growing. After patting him on the back, the doctor gave him 4 shots. Poor guy is just miserable today.

Photos, after a long break...

Adit at 2 weeks

Adit turned 2 week old yesterday. He seems to be doing well.

  • His conehead is not as pronounced anymore and is becoming rounder. His eyes are not puffy and he can open both of them as the swelling has gone away.
  • He is drinking well, gaining weight, and pooping a lot.
  • He has figured out how to soak his clothes and his parents, the moment his diaper is taken off. If he keeps this going, potty training may not be very difficult for him.
  • Some nights he slept well in 3-4 hour stretches, but last 2 nights, he has been staying up from 3 am to 5 am. It is still early to get his sleeping pattern stabilized.
  • We have been so used to talking about our daughter for the last almost 3 years, that initially V kept refering to Adit with feminine pronouns all the time. It has significantly gone down in the last few days as we have taught ourselves the fact that we have a son and not a second daughter. We have been using some of Ashwini's old clothes for Adit. V has been giving a flimsy reason that those pink outfits and blankets were responsible for her mental slips.

Adit and I

Adit on day 5

Adit is a ‘natural born sucker’. He is very efficient about filling up his tummy.

His clock is still messed up. Likes to sleep during the day and stays up in the night. Hopefully, it will change to normal time soon.

His big sister just adores him. She is so gentle and careful. She wants to hold Adit in her lap and showers him with kisses. It just seems like she grew up a lot in the last few days. I always found Ashwini very delicate before Adit was born. But, after handling that little shrimp of a kid for a few days, Ashwini seems like a big, heavy girl. It is funny how things appear differently with a change in the frame of reference.


We are pleased to welcome the newest member of our family. Adit was born on the evening of Dec. 28th, 2005. He weighed 7.5 lbs and was 20 inches long at birth. Both Adit and V are doing very well.