Bubble nebula - Nov2022

The Bubble nebula (NGC 7635) and an open cluster M52 in the constellation Cassiopeia. They appear next to each other but the nebula is ~11000 LY away while M52 is closer at a distance of only ~5000 LY. The bubble is about 10 LY across and is formed because of the intense radiation from the star inside it pushing the interstellar gas and dust.
This image consists of almost 3 hours of total exposure (35x5m). Optolong LeXtreme narrowband filter with ZWO ASI533MC-pro on WO ZS61. Processed with SIRIL and PS.
Soul nebula

Soul nebula in Cassiopeia at about 6500 light years from us. This large emission nebula is often photographed with its neighbor - Heart nebula.
WO ZS61 : ASI533MC-pro : L-eXtreme : 47x3min : SIRIL : PS