Here is some proof that practice most definitely improves your skill. Also, better equipment helps.

Comet Neowise and its reflection in the mirror that is Lake Pattagansett. I love capturing reflections in bodies of water and have dozens (if not hundreds) of such photos. This is one of my most favorites.

A little slice of our galaxy captured last night through my telescope.
M42 aka the “Great Orion Nebula” that sits right at the center of the sword of Orion the hunter.

This superconducting magnet is a part of NMR instrument that I routinely use to study molecules.

What is the chance of capturing an airplane transiting the Sun at the same time as planet Mercury (tiny dot at the center)?

Portico at the Pantheon in Rome. Reminiscing about a great Spring break trip while on another Spring break trip.

Takes a bit of patience to make a long exposure image showing the Earth’s rotation by combining hundreds of photos together.

So many horizon shots to choose from. Here are a couple of photos from my most favorite place - Acadia National Park.