Future solar eclipses
Looking at future dates of solar eclipses and dreaming about them. Have to make plans for these trips.
October 14, 2023 - Albuquerque, NM - This will be an annular eclipse making it extra special.
April 8, 2024 - Burlington, VT - Total eclipse
Heart nebula - Sep 2022
The Heart nebula (IC1805) lies about 7500 light years away in the Perseus arm of our galaxy. It is an emission nebula and gets this red color from all the radiation it receives from the star cluster (Melotte 15) in the middle of the picture.

Cropped photo showing details of dark dust clouds in the nebula.

Telescope: William Optics Zenithstar 61; focal length 360mm
Optolong L-eXtreme narrowband filter
Camera: ZWO ASI533MC-pro, cooled to -10C
5 minute exposures with auto guiding; total exposure of 5 hours;
used dark, flat, bias calibration frames
Processed in SIRIL and PhotoShop
Eight mile river
This is a river conservation story that I witnessed happening over the years. One of my favorite bike routes in Lyme, CT goes by this picturesque spot called Ed Bills Pond. It was created by a dam built on Eight mile river back in 1940s for recreation. The pond was spectacular in the Fall but, was equally beautiful in Summer and Winter. This has been my favorite rest stop while riding for years.
Over the years it was getting filled with leaves and sediment. The owner of the land along with town of Lyme and The Nature Conservancy decided to remove the dam and restore the river to its original condition. The dam removal would provide access to the upstream habitat of the river for native migratory fish species and other animals. The dam removal work was started in the Fall of 2015. They also removed the sludge and graded the area for proper water flow. These photos were taken over a month when that work was ongoing.
Over the following years it became a nice free-flowing river with lot of vegetation growing along its banks.
Now in 2021, this area doesn’t look anything like Ed Bills pond from just about 5-6 years ago. Migratory fish like alewife, blueback herring, sea lamprey and American eel have returned along with native turtles, salamanders, birds, otters and beavers. It has been a great success story for conservation. There are hundreds of dams on rivers in Connecticut that once powered mills or created backwaters for recreation. Many of them are on the list for removal and river restoration.
2020 Stats
2020 was a quite horrible year but, it was great for cycling. Clocked the most number of miles in a year on my bike. It is going to hard to match these numbers in 2021. Here are my stats from Strava.
It was great that I averaged more than an hour of activity per day for the year but, there was no recorded activity for about 2 months out of the year. Will have to work with these observations to make a plan for 2021.

Bike touring 2019
Last year in May right after Memorial Day, went on a nice long bike trip from London to Amsterdam. It would be so nice to go on another trip like that. Have to plan one as soon as this pandemic risk goes away.